

Bredin Prat Employment Law team assists French retailer Casino in connection with its transformation plan

16 May 2024 Press releases

The Employment Law team of Bredin Prat is assisting the French retail group Casino in connection with its transformation plan which has become essential to securing the Group’s long-term future and its recovery.

The transformation plan was presented to the works councils of the relevant companies of the Group at the beginning of May 2024. An information-consultation procedure prior to implementation of a job protection plan was also initiated. Negotiations on the content of the job protection plan have also begun with the representative trade unions of these companies.

This new organisation plan for head office activities has been designed to ensure a balance among the Group’s various sites and banners, guided by the principle of preserving as many jobs as possible at the head office in Saint-Étienne in central-eastern France. With the reorganisation plan, a total of between 1,293 and 3,267 net job losses are expected. The head office at Saint-Etienne would retain 1,010 jobs out of the current 1,564.

The Bredin Prat team assisting Casino included Laetitia Tombarello (partner), Caroline Combes, Camille Wattrelos, Audrey Demourgues and Melchior Bebey.